Students and Postdocs

Current  Students:
Luuk Verhoeven (PhD)

Jeremy Gamble   (PhD)

Babak Beheshti   (PhD)

Hamed Hessam   (PhD)

Nathan Pagliaroli  (MSc)
Past Ph.D. Students:
Rui Dong        
Thesis tiltle: Ricci Curvature of Noncommutative Three Tori, Entropy, and Second Quantization
PhD Sept 2019        
For his thesis click link
Shahab Azarfar 
Thesis tiltle:Topological Recursion and Random Finite Noncommutative Geometries
PhD Sept 2018  
For his thesis click here
Sajad Sadeghi  
Thesis tiltle:  On Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality And A Scalar Curvature Formula For 
 Noncommutative Tori.  
 PhD  Sept  2016.
 For his thesis click here
Mitsuru Wilson 
Thesis tiltle:  Gauss-Bonnet-Chern type theorem for the noncommutative four-sphere
 PhD  Sept  2016. 
For his thesis click here

  • Ali Fathi
    Thesis tiltle: On Spectral Invariants of Dirac Operators on Noncommutative Tori and Curvature of the Determinant Line Bundle for the Noncommutative Two Torus .
    PhD May 2015.
    For his thesis click here

  • Asghar Ghorbanpour
    Thesis tiltle: Rationality of the spectral action for Robertson-Walker metrics and the geometry of the determinant line bundle for the noncommutative two torus .
    PhD Feb. 2015.
    For his thesis click here

  • Ali Moatadelro
    Thesis tiltle:Noncommutative complex geometry of quantum projective spaces.
    PhD August 2011.
    For his papers click here

  • Farzad Fathizadeh
    Thesis tiltle:Twisted spectral triples, Connes' character formula, and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for noncommutative two torus.
    PhD August 2010.
    For his papers click here

  • Mohammad Hassanzadeh
    Thesis tiltle: Operations on Hopf cyclic cohomology.
    PhD August 2010.
    For his papers click here

  • Arash Pourkia
    Thesis tiltle: Hopf Cyclic Cohomology in Braided Monoidal Categories.
    PhD August 2009.
    For his papers click here

  • Bahram Rangipour (Associate Professor University of New Brunswick)
    Thesis tiltle: Invariant Cyclic Homology.
    PhD 2003.
    For his papers click here

  • Reza Akbarpour
    Thesis tiltle: Hopf Algebra Equivariant Cyclic Theory.
    PhD 2001.
    For his papers click here.
Past MSc Students:
  • Travis Ens, MSc Student  (Sept 2012-2013)
  • Baris Ugurcan (Faculty of Science Interdisciplinary Postdoc Sept 2014-2016)
  • Farzad Fathizadeh (Fields Institute Postdoctoral Fellow at UWO, Sept 2012-14)
  • Ali Moatadelro  (Sept 2011-Sept 2012)
  • Alim Heshmatov (Sept 2012-2015)
  • Atabey Kaygun (July 2005-July 2007)
  • Sheldon Joyner (July 2008-July 2010)
  • Arash Pourkia (September 2009-2011)
       July 1 to August 29, 2016, Toronto, Canada. My proposal
was one of 4 successful proposals. During these two month I supervised
six briliant international undergraduates chosen and fully supported by the
Fields Institute (Zheng Bian, Xiudi Li, Yuliia Lut, Kyle Macdonald, Dhruv
Patel, Jessica Weitbrecht). I gave 10 lectures on their research topic proposed
by myself: Random Matrix Geometry. This group made real progress.
We are writing a paper on our results.

  •  July 2 to August 29, 2014, Toronto, Canada. During these two month I supervised four briliant international undergraduates chosen by the Fields Institute. I gave seven lectures on their research topic proposed: Spectral Geometry in Fuzzy Domains. 

 NSERC USRA Students:
Ben Conners (NSERC summer student, 2018): Electric networks and
random walks.
 Nathan Pagliaroli (NSERC summer student, 2017): Random matrix
theory from noncommutative geometry.
George Barton, UWO applied math, 2016, wrote his honors undergrad
thesis under my supervision. Thesis title: The Application of Noncommutative
Geometry to Quantum Field Theory.
Jeremie Gauthier from university of Montreal (3 month, Summer 2016)
Spectral geometry of planar domains

  • Rachel Youngson (Summer 2014) P-adic analysis, Dwork's proof of rationality of zeta function of varieties over finite fields.
  • Peter Yampolsky (Summer 2013) Random walks on graphs, Brownian motion.
  • Travis Ens (Summer 2011) Feynman Integrals, Matrix Integrals.
  • Craig Sinnamon (Summer 2010) Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups and Applications to Quantum Computing.
  • Mark Penney (Summer 2011)
    Spectral Action Principle and Connes' Approach to the Standard Model of Elementary Particles.